Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I finally received my renewed license but it seems I have lost Rs. 60 of the Rs. 120 I had sent for a 10 yr. renewal. Not sure why, but my license has been renewed only for 5 years, instead of the 10 years that I had requested them to do. Maybe 'cos mine is a Grade II license???

The opportunity now to make more calls and connect back is high and I hope I get more options to get out and do my thing. Buy a rig first, and set it up at the designated QTH and then just listen in... to learn more ... and then get cracking with some good antennae designs


About Me

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from southern bi cultural parents transplanted to Bombay in the 40s then transplanting to Indore, Central India, in the 60s; giving me an early identity of being a stop-gap individual - now a thorough Indian... like SRK I tend to bridge the 70s with the modern times of the 21st century... and have a lot to say